Saturday, 3 December 2011

We had a guest speaker that came in to our class today. She is DSW teacher in the school. She shared some of her experiences and the type of clients she works with. She talked to us about children that have inteclluctal disablites and how they misunderstood by many people. She gave each of us a strip of paper that had a few words on it. Some of the things that were written on these pieces of paper were types of defects, deaf, common sterotypical words, and there was many other different things.

We got toegther in our highlighted groups and split the words up that we had into a category of good and bad. It was intresting to look at the words when they were broken up by things you would say and things you would not say. I can't remember all the words that my group had but I remember some of them which were birth defect, cognital defect, we had alot of strips of paper that said defect on them. When looking at some of these words people in my group said words they would use instead of defect it was intresting.

The speaker shared some stories with us about instutions that they use to put people in who may have struggled mentally, phyiscally, and even devlopmentally. I can't remember everything she said but I do remember her telling us that they were treated very badly and they were injected with needles. I felt devstated when I heard this. Some people in this world are just mean and heartless. After the speaker was done talking she took questions and there was some good questions that were asked. One of the questions was what resources are avaliable in the community? I was amazed when She told us all the different resources that can help people who may have Autism, Down Syndrome, Fetal Achool Syndrome, and many other developmental or mental challenges. The lady did not speak for a long time but for the time she was there it was helpful and I learned alot.

After the speaker left we Sarah talked to us a little bit about the deaf culture and showed us vidoes that related with it. One of the videos was a music video, the name of the song was waiting on the world to change. It was a powerful video all the people in the video were using sign language to communicate. Some things that I got out of the video were that they just want to be accepted for who they are and that just because they are deaf doesn't mean they can't be sucessful. At the start of the video there is some quotes

We wacthed another video that had these young people who you could tell had some physical and mentall challenges but they all were happy and beautiful people. They were asked some questions like what is your favourite food, what is one of your dreams, who do you love, what is something you don't like? and other questions. It was a really sweet to see how they responded to each question. It is hard to put into words how i felt when wacthing that video but i enjoyed it.

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