Sunday, 9 October 2011

Blog #2

Today in class we talked about Racisim and Predjudice. I liked the activity that we did in class today. I was surprised by some of the results I had a hard time decding which card to choose with some of the questions that were asked. It was suprising to see such big gaps between many of the topics. Some of the decisions i made were based from a societal view, That was not the right way to choose in my opinion. Every human being  should have the privilege and acess to things in our country. No matter what size they are, their beliefs, vaules, gender, colour of skin, sexual orentation, abled or disabled it should not matter! But we live in a world where you are looked down upon if you do not fit the social norms. 

I enjoyed the video we wacthed today in class, it was a great excersice that the teacher did with her students. I think exercises like that one and others should be done in schoo'ls all over the world. The best time to do something like this would be while the children are still young because it will be something that will stick with them. I liked how they had the reunion with their teacher and how they were able to reflect on there grade three year. One of the couples that were there talked about their son and how he would come home and tell his parents the things he heard kids saying at school. They talked to him about racsim right away they did'nt wait until a later time they made a point right away to teach there child what they learned when they were young.

Martin Luther King has always been an inspration to me and many other people as well. That was my first time listening to his entrie speech, one of the most movtating and inpsring speeches that I have ever heard.

So this is all I have to say for now I am looking foward to our trip to the Mohawk school it should be a great experience.

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